Frequently Asked Questions
About Rick Springfield

If there's anything we've learned in three years, it's that people have a lot of questions about Rick.  We've answered some so many times, we decided to put the answers here on the page.  If you have a question that isn't answered here, please feel free to email one of us and hopefully we'll be able to help you.

1.  Where can I find a CD for Beautiful Feelings or Rock of Life?

These two are very hard to find because they're out of print, but both were released on CDs.  Many have found these in discount bins (ugh!) or at used record stores for very reasonable prices.  If you just can't stand the hunt and wait approach, you can try auction sites online like Ebay or Amazon...but watch out:  the prices have been known to skyrocket to over $50!

2.  Is Wait for Night or Beginnings available on CD?

No.  Neither of these were ever released on CD, though we hope to see them on CD someday!

3.  Where can I get Platinum Videos, Live and Kicking, Hard to Hold or some of the TV movies Rick has done?

Lots of online video dealers sell these videos for reasonable prices when they're in stock.  We've even found HTH and movies like Dead Reckoning at places like Blockbuster in the discount bins (ugh again!), so keep your eyes peeled.  Beware of Ebay for items like these...they are available in many other locations.

4.  How do I join the fan club?

The RLS (Rick's Loyal Supporters) club has been in existence ten years.  Click on the button on this website for more information on how to join.  There are other clubs and mailing lists all over the web as well, though none has been around as long as RLS.

5.  Where can I find song lyrics to Rick's songs?

In the album area of this website, you'll find a link for lyrics for each album Rick has released.

6.  Where can I find out about "meet and greets" for Rick's concerts?

Any scheduled store signings will be posted on this site in the Tour Dates area.  Fan club meet and greets will be handled off line through US mail, and you will be notified of them if you belong to the Fan Club.

7.  How can I get backstage passes?

If you find out, will you tell us?  Seriously, the only backstage passes handed out right now are through venues or radio station contests.  However, Rick often comes out and meets fans once his official duties are done, so hang out and be polite.

8.  Was Rick drunk at the show I just saw?

That would be impossible since Rick has given up alocholic beverages (though we're not sure about the Nyquil when he's ill...).  Rick has a stage persona that even he agrees gets a little crazy.  Just enjoy the ride!

9.  Where can I send Rick a letter?

You can send him a letter at the following  address:

Rick Springfield
c/o Super Ron Records
P.O. Box 6372
Malibu, CA  90264

While he may not respond, he will be sure to see it if you send it there.

10.  Can you tell me how to invite Rick to my wedding, party, family reunion, anniversary, etc?

Um, no.  Rick is unable to accept private invitations from fans such as these.

11.  Is Rick still married and does he have kids?

Rick married Barbara Porter in 1984 and (a rarity in Hollywood) they are still married.  They have two children, Liam and Josh.

12.  Do you have pictures of them?

In respect for Rick's family's privacy, we don't post pictures of his family on this website (and we really hope others don't either!).  We also don't really talk about them for that same reason.  Our opinion is this:  whatever he wants us to know, he'll tell us.